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I am always working on tweaking my display for the Dee Dee Style booth at shows. Sometimes I see inspiration from other vendors and sometimes I simply get an idea in my head and then the hunt begins. My mom is a great picker for me! I can share an idea with her and she goes on the hunt- like it is a serious mission! She did a fab job of finding this particular treasure.

I mentioned that I wanted some antique ladies shoes- like you would see from the early 1900’s or even Victorian days.  Like the ones pictured below.

Ladies Antique Boots

As I searched, I discovered that they fetch quiet the pretty penny- usually start at $85 and go up to $250+.  The ones pictured above are featured on Etsy for $175.  This was out of my range for a simple prop item. My mom scored a pair of  awesome boots at a picker’s garage sale in East Texas for a quarter. Yes, a QUARTER- that being a whole 25 cents! They are not antiques, nor are they vintage. They just have that look. But they were scuffed and not very appealing, so I spray painted them pink. Yes, Pink!

Pink Shoes on Parade

They made a perfect prop for my last show and drew lots of looks, glances, and new customers into my booth. That totally made it worth 25 cents and the cost of spray paint!